So I'm getting ready to leave my summer work as of six years. A very poignant moment for me; one whose influence I'm feeling on my life now. Simultaneously one I'm excited to leave to focus on the future. I've been playing FF..... The original. But not really the original, the iPad/iPhone remake. Keys are different, music added. Some transitions are made better (music doesn't always restart from the initial bar), while others-- returning to musical theme is jarring and poorly sown sonically. (Not to mention dungeons added, graphics updated, dialogue changed, game made easier, etc considering non-sound functions).
I went for the game for nostalgia in a hard life moment. Did I find what I was looking for sonically? How does the modern day iPhone experience compare with my childhood tv and playing experience? This will become a more in depth Analysis entry later, but I'm glad to be thinking about this early. Updating a game..... I've thought of games like symphonies, but I think operas//songs might be a more fair comparison considering key/tempos. More on this soon.
Is this cryptic? Sorry, just excited to get back in the swing with Internet access and time!
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