Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Behind the Scenes: Won a second grant.

A couple of weeks ago, I won another grant to do mainly with video game music studies.  The grant will allow for me to travel to GameSoundCon and get training in Wwise next November.  It'll also provide funding for travel to the inaugural North American Conference on Video Game Music where my paper, "Teaching Music Appreciation through the Lens of Video Game Music: a retrospect," was chosen as a presentation.  I'm excited for both conferences; a little nervous about the NACVGM as well....  I've never given a paper at an academic conference before, but I have attended a few.  It should be an interesting experience.

This Friday, I'm taking some of my students over to the Engineering school at UM to a class where Computer Science students are designing games.  Since my students have a final project of creating game audio and these CS students have to create a game as a final project, I'm hoping that we can work something out where the two work together.  UM is all about cross-discipline events these days, so this is an exciting chance for that.  Looking forward to it.

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