Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Surveying Literature: Indie Game: The Movie.

Last night, I watched Indie Game: The Movie.  I was hoping that some portion of the film about the game music composition process, but it's not mentioned at all.  The film reminded me that I should include focus on smaller games as well as huge blockbusters.  I definitely want to do a follow up analysis blog about the music of Braid and Super Meat Boy.

Interestingly, since I've been mentioning film music and comparing it to video game music, as I watched, I compared the composition of the film music soundtrack to video game music.  The film soundtrack sounds very electronic-- undoubtedly to give it a more digital feel.  It's interesting to imagine game music composers crossing genres to compose other material-- this film soundtrack is a case in point, composed by Jim Guthrie, a singer/songwriter who also composes video game music. 

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