Friday, August 9, 2013

Video Game Music Class: Just won a grant for guest speakers!

I'm elated to say that I just got notice I won a grant for my game music class. It's a small award that UM's Center for Research on Learning and Teaching makes available for developing courses called the Instructional Development Fund. My proposal is to use the fund to moderate Q&A's between leading game music experts via Skype. A condition of the grant is that I have to record the conversations for reuse (if the class is offered again) and to enter them into the UM library collection. Through my work on this blog, I've made contact with Karen Collins and Brian Schmidt, both of whom I've asked to participate in these conversations. I also reached out to Tommy Tallarico and got him on board as a speaker as well. I'm still looking for a composer who works primarily in mobile audio as a final interview. This is superb news for the class, the library collection, and me!  This class is going to rock!